WC DISA Tournaments

DISA Tournaments

The Disa Tournament format is designed to be implemented as a stepping stone between novice and full sanctioned tournaments with the aim to increase participation at a wide range of levels, and making it fun at the same time.

DISA Tournament format (commencing 2023):

  • Is open to all archers who are members of WCAF affiliated clubs
  • Is a stepping-stone to bring novice archers and regular tournament archers together
  • The DISA formal will be based on a modified 1440 format with distances comprising 4 ends of 6 arrows totalling 96 scoring arrows, longer than a 720 but shorter than a 1440
  • Two sets of distances will be on offer (each with its own rewards pins),
    • Senior: 60m, 50m, 40m and 30m with the 122cm face at the longer distances of each set, and the 80cm face on the shorter distances of each set.
    • Junior (Under 18): 40m, 30m, 20m and 15m with the 122cm face at the longer distances of each set, and the 80cm face on the shorter distances of each set.

Shooting is less formal and takes place without a time limit, but to the whistle blast.  Archers are also allowed to receive advice on the shooting line which encourages experienced archers to assist inexperienced archers and is a perfect coaching outing within a tournament setting.

 Archers are divided into 3 Categories, as follows:

  • Advanced archers:  Archers who have shot over 550 Recurve/650 Compound tournament 720 round scores in the last 3 years
  • Experienced archers:  Archers who have shot in 3 or more World Archery Tournaments
  • DISA archers:  Archers who have not yet shot in 3 World Archery Tournaments

DISA Pin award values

Senior Barebow445547636674712745776802827846865
Senior Recurve466573666706746780813840866886906
Senior Compound673733786810833853873890906920933
Junior Barebow409503585620655684714737761779796
Junior Recurve429527613650686717748772797816834
Junior Compound619674724745766785803818834846858

DISA Tournament Winners:

Points are accumulated over all the DISA shoots for the year.  Trophies are awarded to the top archers in each category, over all the shoots.  Personal best distance and DISA scores are kept for each archer.  After an archer has shot three DISA tournaments, PB points are accumulated by surpassing your previous Personal Best scores (e.g.: PM = 280 and 286 is shot then, 6 PB points are earned).

Come and join in the fun!

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