Records (WA)

The Western Cape Archery Federation (WCAF) is the custodian of Provincial Records shot in recognized tournaments. Records will only be recognized if shot by a properly affiliated club member at a World Archery/IFAA or SANAA or WCAF sanctioned tournament where applicable on submission of a correctly completed scoresheet.

How to Claim a Record
Make sure that your score sheet has been properly completed,signed, witnessed and countersigned by the Director of Shooting or Judge of the day.

Make a copy for your records
Post the ORIGINAL score sheet to the provincial Records Officer – you will get the original score sheet back in due course.

It is a good idea to tell the Records Officer what record you are claiming. If your club secretary or someone else undertakes to submit your scoresheet to claim a record, follow up on them that this has been done. It is the archer’s responsibility to ensure the record is updated.

If you break a national record, the above process is also applicable, however National Records can only be claimed by SANAA members in good standing.

Should a record not be published in a S A Archer within a two month period of it having been broken please follow up with the your provincial secretary as to why. It is the members responsibility to submit the claim and to ensure that the records are updated.

World Archery Discipline Provincial Records

Please note that the downloadable documents lists all records for both indoor and outdoor target archery rounds. Should you have any queries regarding records, please direct these to the Records Officer.

WCAF Records WA 720

389.63 KB 267 Downloads

WCAF Records WA 1440

411.11 KB 237 Downloads

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