Tournament Pre-Registration Procedures (WA format tournaments)
- Pre-Registration deadline will be stated in the tournament reminder emails.
- Tournament registration to be done, per participant, via the online registration form. A registration confirmation email should be received upon registration form submission.
- Payment must be either cash on the day or via EFT into the WCAF Investec bank account.
- Archers are reminded to please contact the organisers with any changes to facilitate planning as soon as possible
- Please ensure that you register before the deadline, as stated above, as late entries may result in additional tournament administration and reorganisation of the target allocations.
Cancellation policy
- No payment/penalties, and refund if pre-paid, if cancelling prior to the online pre-registration deadline.
- 50% payment due, or 50% refund if pre-paid, if cancelling after online pre-registration deadline and more than 24 hours before the tournament start.
- 100% payment due, or 0% refund if pre-paid, if cancelling within 24 hours before the tournament start or tournament no show.
Archers with outstanding cancellation fees will not be permitted to enter future tournaments!
Tournament Fees
Outdoor SANAA and WA sanctioned tournament.
(The tournament notice will indicate the tournament entry fee and may override those listed below).
Indoor SANAA and WA sanctioned tournament
Note, a R50 visitors fee will be applicable to World Archery and SANAA sanctioned tournaments for NON SANAA MEMBERS in addition to the fees listed above.
Please note that SANAA and SANIFAA membership numbers may be the same but are NOT interchangeable, you need to be a paid up SANAA member else you will be eligible to pay the visitors fee.
DISA tournament fees are fixed and not shown above (the tournament notice states the fee), see the DISA page for more information on the DISA tournaments
Online tournament registration
Below is the list of tournaments currently open for registration.
If there are no tournaments listed then there are currently no tournaments available for registration.