Cape of Good Hope Tournament 2015

Cape of Good Hope Tournament 2015 15th and 16th August, Bellville Archery Club This was a good tournament to draw a direct comparison to the recent event held in Copenhagen.  If more archers participated in conditions like this, they would have been better equipped to deal with the conditions found at Copenhagen.…

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June SANAA Outdoor Qualifier 2015

June SANAA Outdoor Qualifier 2015 28th June, Bellville Archery Club With a slight hiccup in the date for this event dealt with, the indications were good for some quality shooting to be part of on this day, right in the middle of the Cape winter.  And it was a mixed bag…

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Cape Provincial Tournament 2015

Cape Provincial Tournament 2015 7th and 8th February   The excitement for outdoor Nationals (WA) is building, and there was great hope for a good weekend of shooting to be had at Bellville.  The entries were lower than expected, but that would not mean that the rivalry would be any less. Day 1…

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