SANAA, August Indoor Qualifier (WA), 2017

SANAA, August Indoor Qualifier (WA), 2017 held at Bowtime Archery Club, Indoor Archery range Sunday 27 August 2017 Indoor at Bowtime is always a good time. Luther, who in the preceding week had a throat operation, made sure he was on the line – although he did tone down the…

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June Indoor Qualifier 2017

SANAA, June Indoor Qualifier (WA), 2017 held at Bowtime Archery Club, Indoor Archery range Monday 05 June 2017 Schedules to shoot are never perfect, but we can always make a plan. So when this traditionally Monday event rolled around, it was quickly clear that this was going to be a…

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WC Summer Indoor Tournament 2017

Western Cape Summer Indoor Tournament 2017 12th  February, Bowtime Archery Club The Western Cape IFAA Summer Indoor championship was held at Bow-time archery range on the 12th February 2017. This was the last event in the 2016 / 17 cycle presented as a qualifying event for WCAF Provincial and SANAA National Colours. A…

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August Indoor Target Qualifier 2016

August SANAA Indoor Qualifier 2016 28th August, Bowtime Archery Club After a rather challenging week for me, I was not sure how I was going to enjoy this tournament.  But once again Bowtime made sure that everything they could control was in order.  So the only delays were brought on by the…

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Western Cape IFAA Summer Indoor Championships 2016

Western Cape IFAA Summer Indoor Championships 2016 13th February, Bowime Archery Club The first Western Cape IFAA Indoor event for the year, which is also the last qualifier event in the 2015/16 colours cycle, was held on the 13 February. Bow-time club was the host to twenty seven archers from various bow styles who were…

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