October WA Indoor Qualifier 2017

SANAA October Indoor Qualifier (WA), 2017 held at Protea Sports Club, Indoor Archery range Monday 02 October 2017 This is a difficult report to write as it has a lot of personal emotion in it, or at least leading up to the event taking place. Fortunately most of the pre…

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WC March Quattro Outdoor Qualifier 2017

WC March Quattro Outdoor Qualifier 2017 18th and 19th March, Wild Clover Archery Club The Cape has been going through a sustained drought for some time, but fortunately, the competitors brought enough liquids along to make sure that they did not succumb to the extreme heat that was on the…

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WC Summer Indoor Tournament 2017

Western Cape Summer Indoor Tournament 2017 12th  February, Bowtime Archery Club The Western Cape IFAA Summer Indoor championship was held at Bow-time archery range on the 12th February 2017. This was the last event in the 2016 / 17 cycle presented as a qualifying event for WCAF Provincial and SANAA National Colours. A…

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August Indoor Target Qualifier 2016

August SANAA Indoor Qualifier 2016 28th August, Bowtime Archery Club After a rather challenging week for me, I was not sure how I was going to enjoy this tournament.  But once again Bowtime made sure that everything they could control was in order.  So the only delays were brought on by the…

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November Quattro Qualifier 2015

November Quattro Qualifier 2015 28th and 29th November, Protea Sports Club Often when I write these reports I refer to the windy conditions and the adverse affect it had on performances.  I must be writing in a seriously strange way because we had two archers and one coach fly down to the…

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October Indoor Target Qualifier 2015

October Indoor Target Qualifier 2015 5th October, Protea Sports Club The field was small, as would be expected for an evening event, but the spirit was huge.  We had so much fun it was almost illegal.  Music was played in the background for the duration of the shoot and most commented on how…

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October Outdoor Quattro Qualifier 2015

October Outdoor Quattro Qualifier 2015 3rd and 4th October, Wild Clover Archery Club With new qualification requirements and cut-off dates and travel to alternative events in a window that is prohibitively expensive, we knew from the start that it was going to be a small field for this tournament. However, this presented WCAF with…

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August SANAA Indoor Qualifier 2015

August SANAA Indoor Qualifier 2015 30th August, Protea Sports Club These events see varied attendance figures.  This one was no exception.  Those who did make it to the line had one thing in mind and that was to enjoy themselves.  It was a full line for a single detail, so movement to…

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June SANAA Indoor Qualifier

June SANAA Indoor Qualifier 2015 8th June, Protea Sports Club Availability of an indoor range when the venue is not dedicated to archery can present challenges.  The obvious one was to not start to late but also to allow enough time for people to get to site when having to navigate…

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SANAA March Quattro Qualifier 2015

SANAA March Quattro Qualifier 2015 14th and 15th March 2015 In the last while, the weather has played havoc with being able to have good fun and to shoot a good score.  This weekend was the total opposite to the last tournament.  It was excellent shooting conditions.  The only negative…

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